Latest Recipes

Fried Bacon & Eggs

Fried Bacon & Eggs

Fried Bacon & Eggs

Marinated Beef Steak

Marinated Beef Steak

Marinated Beef Steak

Blueberry Cream Ice

Blueberry Cream Ice

Creamy dessert with sweet blueberies

Vanilla Ice Cream

Vanilla Ice Cream

Creamy Ice Cream with hot vanilla taste

Corn Waffles in Raw Milk

Corn Waffles in Raw Milk

Homemade corn waffles bathing in fresh milk

Creamy Granola

Creamy Granola

Perfect breakfast to have the enery for the entire day

Milk & Sugar Cereal

Milk & Sugar Cereal

Chocolate flavor to your favorite breakfast

Waffles with Cream

Waffles with Cream

Belgian waffles with whipped cream and jam

Cranberry Homecheese

Cranberry Homecheese

Cheese with berries

Featured Recipe

The Only Ice Cream Recipe You'll Ever Need

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